Sunday, June 1, 2008

Somthing New - Buddy DeFranco and the Glenn Miller Ork

Here is an LP which took me years to find, I first heard this on Cassette which was a CBS 2 pack with modern "members" type recordings and the 2 tracks from the 30's which CBS had the "rights" for a 1935 recording of "Solo Hop" and some other tune of which I've forgotten about. the other Cassette had this album, which i played to death and spent a few years hunting down this one. It's not rare or anything but it's funny I never came across it. Its a real treat to hear the superb sounds of Buddy DeFranco on his clarinet ripping though the Tijuana songbook of the day. the band plays well and the stereo is fab.

Standard Transfer, Very Minimal "restoration".

Something New - Buddy DeFranco and the Glenn Miller Ork

1 comment:

sexy said...





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